Site Phone Robots
- Mt. Diablo Robot 925-838-9225
- Mt Tam Robot 415-381-WIND
- Fort Funston Robot 415-333-0100
- Ed Levin Robot 408-946-9516
Airport AWOS
- Santa Rosa 707-573-8393
- Ukiah 707-462-7343
- Petaluma 707-773-1529
- Red Bluff 530-528-8030
- Gnoss 415-897-2236
- Lampson 707-262-0380
Briefings (A real person answers the phone)
- Pilot briefing 1-800-WXBRIEF
- Pt. Reyes Lighthouse weather 415-669-1534
Current Conditions / Wind
- Fort Funston WebCam and winds
- iWindsurf Real-time wind This site has many other wind-related features & services.
- S.F. Aviation Weather Forecast From USAirnet
- Bodega Bay buoy 46013 Click on individual buoys to get more data.
- Portugese Beach, 5mi. S. of Goat Rock On hillside above houses, 300ft. up.
- Bodega Marine Laboratory Next to Horseshoe Cove at Bodega Head
- Pt. Reyes Beach Webcam/wind Camera mounted near lighthouse parking lot, looking NE.
- Mt. Tam (MDEC1) and other sensors Try MDAC1, Mt. Diablo. Click map to center and see station list.
- Windcast 24hr Wind Forecast for Calif.
- San Francisco Bay Wind Patterns Near Real-Time
- – Curr. and forecast wind
- RAWS (Remote Automated Weather Stations)
- RAWS map – Calif. coast, central valley (Monterey)
- RAWS map – Humboldt coast, Burney, Oroville, Clear Lake (Eureka)
- RAWS map – Tahoe, Carson City (Reno)
- RAWS stations US map
- RAWS Northern CA table view
- RAWS Central CA table view
- RAWS Soda Creek near Soda Creek store
- Winds Aloft – Pacific Coast Region from National Weather Svc.
- Bay Area Web Cams KGO TV
- Forecast Discussion The mind of the weather person at work…
- AccuWeather
- National Weather Service – Marine forecast Read the section: “POINT ARENA TO POINT REYES” for Goat Rock/Vista Trail, and “POINT REYES TO PIGEON POINT” for Funston
- National Weather Service – clickable forecast map
- Forecasted launch conditions
- Hang Gliding Weather Forecast
- Thermal index report (RAOB station: Oakland; temp: Sacramento (SAC))
- Interactive Sounding plots
- Quick Plot – another Skew-T source Choose City: San Francisco; Sounding: Rapid Update Cycle
- Dr. Jack’s BLIPs for specific sites (Crazy Crk., Walker Ridge, Williams)
- Williams RASP
- Byron RASP
- Winds Aloft Forecast up to 24hr, various cities.
- Isobaric Analysis (highs and lows)
General Weather, Forecasts
- Current Cloud Cover GOES West Satellite (visible/radar/water vapor, loops)
- Weather Channel Forecast, satellites, radar
- West Coast Satellites
- Marine weather page The WORKS!
- Pacific Satellite Loop Intellicast
- West Coast Satellite Loop big picture
Background info, other Links
- Wings Of Rogallo Weather page Some good links, and info on interpreting data.
- Pilot’s guide to aviation weather. Definitions, abreviations.